Alles is Drama
Student Theatre Association
established in Maastricht 1981
Follow our Instagram @allesisdrama for more updates
Donate to help us continue our work
Theatre Association
At Alles is Drama everyone is welcome, whether you already know all of Shakespeare’s works by heart or you are only just taking your first steps on stage. Although we are an amateur theatre association, we often work with professional directors.
By combining the motivation and enthusiasm of students with the professionalism of directors, we guarantee a great working and acting environment and many beautiful, hilarious, and moving productions! Besides productions we also always have courses on offer, a great way to improve your acting skills!
We are also always looking for people to join our committees, to build the stage decor, to go shopping for some 14th-century knights’ armor or help with creating beautiful promotion material!
Student Association
In addition to being a theatre association, Alles is Drama is a true student association. Our members are fun and open-minded, and there will always be someone to chat with or grab a drink with. Because we value the social aspect of being in such a group, we frequently organize many fun activities. Theme parties, weekends away, pub quizzes, trips to theme parks and movie nights are just some of the other many activities. We look forward to see you at one of our next events!
Maastricht has many international students. As a student association, we reflect that and cater to Dutch as well as international students. All our productions, courses and activities are in English so that everyone can participate!
More information at Studenten Wegwijzer
You can also find information about Alles is Drama on our association page: at Studenten Wegwijzer, a platform where (Dutch speaking) students can find useful tips & offers for a great studentlife!
Social media
Most of our updates happen by email or via our social media pages.​​​​​
Our website is the place to find all the official events, courses and productions on offer, the photos of the events and the place where you can sign up for events such as the Weekend Away, the Cantus, and more!