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Alles is Drama
Student Theatre Association
established in Maastricht 1981
Follow our Instagram @allesisdrama for more updates
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Let us never forget...
they have built our association
& thanks to them we are where we are now
Welcome to our old board site! This is where you go when you feel a bit nostalgic, but also if you just want to see who ran this association years ago. And with Alles is Drama, this really goes back many many years: we started in 1981 - over 40 years ago!! Since then, our boards have worked hard each year to make the best possible experience for our members.
Now, take a look & get to know these great folks!!
PS: If you were a part of an old board, or know someone who was a part of an old board and your picture/name is missing, please contact us as and we will add you to this page!
Board 2023-2024
President: Linus Bauer
Treasurer & Vice-President: Jonas Bak
Secretary & Commissioner of Planning: Kasia Godziejewski
Commissioner of Production & Interim-Treasurer: Frida Roper
Commissioner of Activities: Mika van Os
Commissioner of PR: Mylia Hennig

Board 2022-2023
President Vicente Duran
Treasurer & Vice-President: Sem Nouws
Secretary: Mercy-Raven Cremmer
Commissioner of Production & Planning: Carlotta Koning
Commissioner of Activities: Den Heffels
Commissioner of PR: Suzanne Post

Board 2021-2022
President & Commissioner of Housing: Jo Scholtyssek
Treasurer & Vice-President: Anne Vos
Secretary: Ink Caanen
Commissioner of Activities & Planning: Linus Bauer
Commissioner of Production & Lustrum : Amber Rietberg
Commissioner of PR Semester 1: Julie Gelke
Commissioner of PR Semester 2: Lotte Krijgsman

Board 2020-2021
President & Commissioner of Planning: Jo Scholtyssek
Vice President & Commissioner of Activities: Vera Tschirsch
Secretary Semester 1: Zoe Soons
Secretary Semester 2: Amanda van der Beek -
Commissioner of Production & Lustrum : Clara Roca
Commissioner of PR: Diana Fridman
Treasurer & Commissioner of Housing: Archit Barthwal

Board 2019-2020
President: Gabriele Fresia
Vice President & Commissioner of Housing: Femke Kramer
Secretary & Treasurer: Anita Large
Commissioner of Production & Planning: Fleur van den Heuvel
Commissioner of PR & Funding: Phebe Brunsveld
Commissioner of Activities: Emma van Tuyll

Board 2018-2019
President & Commissioner of Housing: Dieuwertje Leenders
Vice President & Commissioner of PR: Alessia Liccese
Secretary: Elli Peonides
Commissioner of Production: Lina Vollrath
Treasurer: Rebecca van den Brand
Commissioner of Activities & Planning: Katharina Klüber

Board 2017-2018
President: Stan Frijsinger
Vice President & Commissioner of Planning and Activities: Amy Schenning
Secretary & Commissioner of PR: Franziska Erbe (Semester 1)
Secretary & Commissioner of PR: Rugilė Žukaitė (Semester 2)
Commissioner of Production: Remo Kortbeek (Semester 1)
Commissioner of Production: Andrea Seegers (Semester 2)
Treasurer: Lisa Voesten

Board 2016-2017
President: Lissa van Baren
Secretary & Vice-President: Chiara Brück
Treasurer: Adela Iriskic
Commissioner of Planning and Activities: Anneke Uiterwaal
Commissioner of Production and PR: Leonie Schuitema

Board 2015-2016
President: Hanna de Munck
Secretary: Maaike van de Vorst
Treasurer: Milou Tiemensma
Commissioner of Planning and Activities & Vice-President: Eva Boon
Commissioner of Production and PR: Zjuul Bartels

Board 2014-2015
President: Maud Eskes
Secretary: Suzanne Dekker
Treasurer: Sam Warmerdam
Commissioner of Planning and Activities: Melissa van den Berg
Commissioner of Production: Iris Blijleven

Board 2013-2014
President: Sophie van Rijnbach
Vice-President: Yosta van der Heiden
Secretary: Zjuul Bartels
Treasurer: Eva Egberts
Commissioner of Planning and Activities: Yvonne van Beers
Commissioner of Production: Yorn Heijnen
Commissioner of PR: Inez Coonen

Board 2012-2013
President: Sophie van Rijnbach
Secretary: Yosta van der Heiden
Treasurer: Renske Janssen
Commissioner of Production: Emma de Moel
Commissioner of Planning and Directors: Harmke Heydenrijk

Board 2011-2012
President: Marlien van Liempt
Secretary: Rindert van den Eeckhout / Elsbeth van Garderen
Treasurer & Commissioner of Production: Reno Jurien
Commissioner of Planning and Directors: Jobbe Hoebink
Commissioner of Activities: Stephanie van Zandvoort

Board 2010-2011
President: Koen Woldringh
Secretary: Renske Noordhuis
Treasurer: Patrick de Hoogt
Commissioner of Planning: Anja Zok
Commissioner of PR: Jessiva van Zinnicq Bergmann

Board 2009-2010
President: Jessica van Zinnicq Bergmann
Secretary: Leonie Hogervorst
Treasurer: Pepijn de Korte
Commissioner of Planning: Anky Stiphout
Commissioner of PR: Charlotte van Bree
Commissioner of Activities and Events: Evert Jan Jacobsen
Board 2008-2009
President: Wietske van der Want
Secretary: Sijbranda Woudstra
Treasurer: Fanny Evers
Commissioner of PR Intern: Inge Kuntzel and Mathilda van Dijk
Board 2007-2008
President: Wietske van der Want
Secretary: Joyce-Manyi Bakia
Treasurer: Anky Stiphout
Commissioner of PR Intern: Bart Roosenboom
Commissioner of PR Extern: Lisa van Paaschen
Commissioner of Planning: Ite Priems
Commissioner of Activities: Inge Nagelmaker
Board 2006-2007
President: Imre Tijsse Klassen
Secretary: Nienke Bakker
Treasurer: Sanne Trienekens
Commissioner of PR Intern: Thomas Donceel
Commissioner of PR Extern: Simone Penders
Commissioner of Planning: Dionne Steenvoorden
Commissioner of Activities: Marijke de Vries
Board 2005-2006
President: Sven Baijens
Secretary: Anna Custers
Treasurer: Jorine Boer
Commissioner of PR: Dirk Schuit and Sanne Timmermans
Extern: Elodie Mendels
Intern: Jeannou Smallenburg
Board 2004-2005
President: Tessa Wassenberg
Secretary: Anne Fetsje Sluis
Treasurer: Lean Beulen
Commissioner of PR: Koen Beuner and Renske van Delft
Extern: Fritz Alkemade
Intern: Maaike van der Ploeg
Board 2003-2004
President: Lieneke van Waalwijk- van Doorn
Secretary: Helly Pollaert
Treasurer: Maarten van Griethuysen
Commissioner of PR: Paul Huijben and Evita Philipsen
Extern: Lilian Vliek
Intern: Karin Jacobs
Board 2002-2003
President: Monique van den Heuvel
Secretary: Katlijn Meers
Treasurer: Anja Hendriks
Commissioner of PR: Jose Richters and Wouter Verhaak
Extern: Ludo Costongs
Intern: Roel de Werdt
Board 2001-2002
President: Hann van Schendel
Secretary: Cynthia Gubbels
Treasurer: Erik Aarden
Commissioner of PR: Titia Gebuis and Mark Gelsing
Extern: Ludo Costongs
Intern: Marjoleine Huntjens
Board 2000-2001
President: Hann van Schendel
Secretary: Merle Achten
Treasurer: Maud Vreuls
Commissioner of PR: Chris Rosendahl and Niels Beune
Extern: Ludo Costongs
Intern: Kim Zwitserloot
Board 1999-2000
President: Bas Wijnen
Secretary: Karian van Ginkel
Treasurer: Bram Akkermans
Commissioner of PR: Maaike Leeuw and Judith Litjens
Commissioner of Activities: Christianne Verbruggen
Board 1998-1999
President: Frouke Monster
Secretary: Foppe Gaatze de Vries
Treasurer: Sjoerd Salet
Commissioner of PR: Bas Wijnen and Mariska van den Broek
Technique and Extra activities: Ellen van Roosmalen
Board 1997-1998
President: Hanneke Hansen
Secretary: Frouke Monster
Treasurer: Bastien Clement
Commissioner of PR: Paul Reijen and Raoul Boers
Technique and Extra activities: Annemarie Winter
Board 1996-1997
President: Hans Mets
Secretary: Christien Sepers
Treasurer: Carolijn Ouwehand
Commissioner of PR: Raoul Boers and Paul Reijen
Technique and Extra activities: Maartje Rutten
Board 1995-1996
President: Reinout ter Morshuizen
Secretary: Marielle Mulders
Treasurer: Nynke Louws
Commissioner of PR: Joyce Griet and Katja Weitering
Technique and Extra activities: Crista Sierhuis
Board 1994-1995
President: Patricia de Kort
Secretary: Esther Bosmans
Treasurer: Sjoerd Simons
Commissioner of PR: Ellen Beukink and Karla van Teefelen
Technique and Extra activities: Sylvia Vissers
Board 1993-1994
President: Nienke Smulders
Secretary: Masja van de Burg
Treasurer: Biek Nijst
Vice-President and Commissioner of extra activities: Patricia de Kort
Commissioner of PR: Marieke van Schaik and Ans Netjes
Board 1992-1993
President: Marielle Nuys
Secretary: Martijntje Bakker
Treasurer & Vice-President: Jeroen Schoenmakers
Commissioner of PR: Judith Westen
Technique: Nienke Smulders
Extra activities: Socorro Perez
Lustrum: Sacha Simons
Board 1991-1992
President: John Naborn
Vice-President: Heiny Eilkes
Secretary: Judith van Westen
Treasurer: Louis de Haes
Commissioner of PR: Marielle Nuys
Commissioner of Extern activities: Jeroen Schoenmakers
Commissioner of Technique: Socorro Perez and Martijntje Bakker
Board 1990-1991
President: John Naborn
Secretary: Saskia Nienhuis
Treasurer: Louis de Haes
Commissioners: Alex Buiks and Heiny Eilkes
Board 1989-1990
Board Unknown
Board 1988-1989
President: Pieter Kersenmakers
Secretary: Noor Dikstaal
Treasurer: Lisette Jespers
Commissioner: Alex Buiks
Board 1987-1988
President: Odette de Theije
Treasurer: Atefrans de Bruin
Others Unknown
Board 1986-1987
President: Odette de Theije
Treasurer: Atefrans de Bruin
Alex Buiks
Kitty Geling
Pieter Kersemakers
Board 1985-1986
President: Odette de Theije
Treasurer: Atefrans de Bruin
Others unknown
Board 1984-1985
President: Odette de Theije
Treasurer: Atefrans de Bruin
Others unknown
Board 1983-1984
President: Odette de Theije
Secretary: M.J.H Cornips
Treasurer: J.A. Fossen
Others Unknown
Board 1982-1983
Board 1981-1982
Board 1980-1981 (Founding Board)
President: Marcel Hilwig
Others Unknown
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