Alles is Drama
Student Theatre Association
established in Maastricht 1981
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3/4 Production:
The Importance of Being Earnest
The Importance of Being Earnest
Written by Oscar Wilde, directed at Alles is Drama by member-directors Sem Nouws & Nolan Hayzlett
Our 3/4 Production is now a member-led Production!
"A comedy involving affairs, dynamic duos, and a smidge of multiple personalities"
The Importance of Being Earnest is a play by Oscar Wilde, first performed in 1895. The play tells the story of two men, Jack Worthing and Algernon Moncrieff, who both assume the identity of a fictional man named Ernest, leading them both to fall in love and find an assortment of problems along the way.​
Audition sign up deadline 22.09.2024
Auditions 24.09.2024
How to sign up to audition? Send us an e-mail at
Directing team:
Sem Nouws
Nolan Hayzlett
Contact Person: Paolina Liberg
When? Every Tuesday
Start: 1 of October 19:00-22:00
Number of rehearsals: 20
Rehearsal Weekend: 22,23 February
Tech & Dress: 20 March
Production Weekend: 21-23 March
Language: English
Price €65.50 (Students) / €82.00 (Non-Students)
Genderblind casting
Character Descriptions:
Written by Shakespeare, directed at Alles is Drama by member-directors Conni Spanier & Elias Henriksen
"A tragedy about power and its corrupting nature"
Macbeth is a play by Shakespeare, first performed around
1606. The play tells the story of Macbeth,
A Scottish nobleman who hears a prophecy that he
is to become king, leading him to murder the
current king in his desire for power, a deed that
leads him down an ever darker path.​
Directing team:
Conni Spanier
Elias Henriksen
Contact Person: Paolina Liberg
Rehearsals Every Thursday, extra rehearsal on 13 May
Start: 13 of February 19:00-22:00
Number of rehearsals: 12
Rehearsal Weekend: 3-4 May
Tech & Dress: 15 May
Production Weekend: 16-18 May
Language: English
Price €65.50 (Students) / €82.00 (Non-Students)
Genderblind casting