Alles is Drama
Student Theatre Association
established in Maastricht 1981
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Rhinoceros tickets
vr 02 dec
It is almost here, the first Alles is Drama production of '22-'23 There will be three showcases of this play directed by Benedict Clark: Friday 2 December 20.00 - 22.00 Saturday 3 December 19.00 - 21.00 Sunday 4 December 16.00 - 18.00 Online tickets are discounted, tickets also available at the door

Time & Location
02 dec 2022, 20:00 – 04 dec 2022, 18:00
Maastricht, Molenweg 4, 6225 NC Maastricht, Netherlands
About the event
In a town, Berenger and his friend Jean are having a talk in a café. All of sudden, a rhinoceros comes storming in. Quickly, rhinoceros start becoming more and more frequent in town. The inhabitants come to realize that the animals are all men transforming into monsters. The question then is: to become a rhinoceros like everybody else or to resist. Behind this absurd three act play, is a critic to society reflecting the post-WW2 political terror. Rhinoceros, written by the avant-garde genie Eugene Ionesco, portrays the absurdity of mankind through unusual characters such as Berenger, drowned in profoundness and alcohol, and a not-so logical logician. More than we would want to, today Rhinoceros is still a mirror to contemporary menaces.
Performed for you by:
Zeynep Arat
Linus Bauer
Merlijn van Elteren
Phoebe Heirens
Jolijn van de Molengraft
Elli Peonides
Frida Roper
Nicole Schanzmeyer
Nikola Szirota
Francisca del Valle Denegri